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What makes us different
The mission of the NCPTC is to provide, deliver and maintain a Child Protection Training Programme which conforms to the highest possible standards of national & international best practices and human rights.
The NCPTC aims to create an ethos that values working collaboratively with others (valuing different roles, knowledge and skills), respects diversity (including culture, race, religion and disability), promotes equality and plans to encourage the participation of children in the child protection and safeguarding processes.

It promotes positive inter-agency working by providing participants both with ongoing personal development and an opportunity of learning with staff from different agencies. They provide valuable opportunities to come together in a stimulating and safe environment, to share knowledge and experience and to build those relationships that promote the well being and safety of children and young people.
The NCPTC provides a Training Programme which features a wide and diverse range of courses to meet the needs of participants and/or organisations.

Using various training methods, the training programmes are conducted and facilitated by experienced independent trainers with specialist knowledge in the child protection and safeguarding children fields. It’s simply training that a text book can’t teach...

We also conduct reviews to and update existing Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy for organisations.


The National Child Protection Training Centre (NCPTC) was established to provide bespoke training & policy development, and to share knowledge & information in the fields of Child Protection; Child Safeguarding; Domestic Abuse; Children & Human Rights.